
I am a dad first to the three most amazing kids, Hannah, Christopher and Julia!  They are my life and I strive every day to be a better man and a better dad for them!  I have lived a blessed life; a life with many ups, downs, bumps, and bruises along the way, but a life that I wouldn’t trade with anyone for any reason!

By day, I manage the mortgage department for a credit union in Western North Carolina.  Outside of one of the best jobs ever, I love being with my kids hiking, paddle boarding, playing “chase no base,” throwing the baseball or frisbee and “just being.”  I’ve also found consistency again with fitness….I love to go running, or jogging, around Lake Junaluska, going to the gym and just being active.  I recently completed the Smoky Mountain Relay with one friend and 9 complete strangers (Friends of my friend) while basically living in the van; I know, “down by the river” for 35 hours.  It was a 206 mile relay from Brevard to the Nantahala Outdoor Center….Thankfully, I ran the shorter legs, but the social and physical experience was something that can’t be described, just experienced!

For many years, I have wanted to write a book….a financial thriller, or a humorous journal on my “Trip Around The Beltway”, documenting the 6 years of commuting in Washington DC?  I’ve written down ideas and stored them for that time in the future when I decide to take on that challenge.  Being consistent with a blog will have to do for now….let’s see how I do with that and then maybe a new challenge.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog!

